Purify and improve water quality
with the power of bacteria
Detailed information
Simply submerge it in the aquarium to activate and multiply beneficial microorganisms, harnessing the natural power of water purification.
Maintains crystal-clear water quality, creating a more comfortable environment for fish and shrimp.
■Clear water quality reduces unpleasant odors
Prevents dirt accumulation and maintains clarity, helping to suppress the development of foul smells.
※This product does not contain bacteria or chemicals.
■Clear water quality reduces unpleasant odors
Prevents dirt accumulation and maintains clarity, helping to suppress the development of foul smells.
■A clean environment where fish and shrimp thrive
Promotes active movement and increased appetite. Optimal water quality enhances the appetite of fish and shrimp, allowing you to enjoy their vibrant activity.
■Cost-effective for long-term use, no replacement needed
Durable for extended periods, making it convenient and economical.
■Resistant to slime, easy to maintain
Reduces maintenance effort.
■Creates an environment with balanced water quality where fish and shrimp thrive.
■A clean environment where fish and shrimp thrive
Promotes active movement and increased appetite. Optimal water quality enhances the appetite of fish and shrimp, allowing you to enjoy their vibrant activity.
①In nature, when water becomes dirty, "purifying bacteria" break down the impurities by using them as nutrients. Without enough of these bacteria, the water gradually becomes polluted. (Your aquarium also contains these purifying bacteria.)
②BactAqua® revitalizes the purifying bacteria in your aquarium and creates an environment for them to thrive and multiply. When the conditions are right, the number of bacteria increases rapidly.
③Activated purifying bacteria break down ammonia and other impurities in the water, maintaining clean and clear conditions. This is how bacteria naturally purify the water.
④The increased purifying bacteria settle on BactAqua®, continuously keeping the aquarium water clean.
①The main component of BactAqua® is a "special porous foamed glass material," which provides an ideal habitat for bacteria. It contains numerous small holes ranging from microns to millimeters, allowing bacteria to easily settle and thrive within them.
②Additionally, the "water purification promoting material" aids bacterial activity, supporting their ability to break down impurities.
③This material possesses special properties that attract bacteria and impurity-causing components, fostering bacterial growth.
④ 一度増えたバクテリアは、この素材に定着し、長期間にわたって水槽内の水質を維持します。
④Once established, the bacteria settle into this material and maintain water quality in the aquarium for an extended period.
The main material of BactAqua®, a special porous foamed glass, is recycled from beverage glass bottles. Additionally, the water purification promoting material is mineral-based and contains no harmful substances that could negatively affect health. You can use it in your aquarium with confidence.
The activated purification bacteria with BactAqua® keep the aquarium water clean and create a comfortable environment for aquatic life. As a result, fish and shrimp become healthier, feed better, stay active, and are less prone to illness.
※Primarily for saltwater use, but also suitable for freshwater.
PureGrow is a versatile product used in various fields, including agriculture, flower cultivation, and plant import/export.
Composed of clean inorganic materials, it serves as a reusable medium in hydroponics and is suitable for seedbed media, soil balance conditioners, and more.
PureGrow is your innovative partner driving the future of plants.
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