Smooth import and export of plants!
A reliable inorganic cultivation medium trusted by professional growers.
Detailed information
Facilitating Plant Growth and Eliminating the Need for Removal Work: Achieving Smooth Import and Export.
It contains the essential nutrients required for plant growth, functioning as a carefully balanced cultivation medium.
Additionally, it features pH regulation capabilities, maintaining an optimal environment for plant development.
Compared to conventional cultivation mediums, MMK-01 is made from inorganic materials, making it less conducive to microbial growth, which reduces the occurrence of pests and diseases, ensuring healthier plants.
土は輸入が禁止されています。日本では土を輸入した場合、3年以下の懲役、または100万円以下の罰金が科せられる場合があります。 輸出入についての様々な情報は、農林水産省の「植物防疫所」ホームページをご参照ください。
The import of soil is prohibited. In Japan, importing soil may result in imprisonment for up to three years or a fine of up to 1 million yen. For more information on import and export regulations, please refer to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries' Plant Protection Station website.
植物防疫所ホームページ - 農林水産省
Plant Protection Station Website - Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
It is also environmentally friendly, addressing concerns about traditional planting materials that are discarded after use. MMK-01 can be planted directly into the soil.
This reusable and eco-conscious product promotes sustainability.
PureGrow is a versatile product used in various fields, including agriculture, flower cultivation, and plant import/export.
Composed of clean inorganic materials, it serves as a reusable medium in hydroponics and is suitable for seedbed media, soil balance conditioners, and more.
PureGrow is your innovative partner driving the future of plants.
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